Collect additional information from users


I was wondering if it is possible to collect additional information from users other than a username and email address. I need to collect their school affiliation as well as their full name.


At the moment you would need a plugin at the least to implement this behavior.

Here is a plugin that may help with this.
This plugin will allow you to have custom attribute fields for the teams. These fields are not shown when a team is registering, but will need to be set through the team’s profile page.

Wow! Thank you so much. I actually ended up just forking CTFd and making the changes I needed (they’re in HackDalton/CTFd for anyone in the future who needs similar functionality), but thank you so much for the help!

Does anyone know how to collect user attributes to feed into Marketo or any other application? How do I get basic download of users to participate in a CTF?